Miss. Xtreme

Madame Noire
3 min readJul 6, 2021

Lena’s experiencing a dry spell, all work, and no play! She doesn’t understand it, but she’s starting to become aware of two men that she’s never been attracted to. Her grandmother’s corrupt preacher and a fellow co-worker, she’s attracted to their amazing energies. So familiar and yet so different, they both hold a secret that will reveal itself in due time.


“Girl, what has been going on? I haven’t seen you in a minute.” We’re heading to Preacher’s PNP. I was not about to go through this alone. I’d picked up Ebony and made sure that she was in Church folk-approved clothing. “I’ve been busy working.”

“You haven’t been working the hell out of Mr. Carter have you?”

“I haven’t spoken to him since…” Ebony’s my best friend, but I’ve yet to tell her about our employee thingamajig — a masquerade sex party. I want to, but she can’t hold water sometimes. “Well, his friend has been putting in overtime girl. Thank you so much!” For what? I didn’t do anything. It’s just like her to give me credit for her dick sessions. The woman is too much for me at times.

“Girl… he has the biggest…”

“No, uh uh. We are not discussing that man’s…”

The car comes to an abrupt stop. This can’t be the address. Why would my Grandma give me the address for Cyn City? I must have grabbed the wrong paper from a few weeks back. “Girl this shit is exclusive as hell. Who do you know, and what have you been doing?” Asks Ebony from outside of the passenger side.

Ignoring her, I call my Grandma. She recounts the address and gives me a code to boot. “They must not discriminate on clients,” I state, as the place is notoriously known for all things non-religious. “Ain’t no prayer happening up in there.” Says Ebony rolling her skirt up. It goes from ankle length to coochie length in five seconds. Her sweater’s unbuttoned to reveal her bra, and the coffee stockings are discarded. “I’m ready.’ She says with a Kool-Aid smile.

“The event is PNP, prayer, and praise.” Ebony busts out laughing, and I know from her reaction, that my Ma made the mistake of the century with that abbreviation. Ebony takes my hand leading me into the building. “Are you going to tell me what it stands for?”

“Yeah, when we get in here, first.”

“Code?” Asks the employee at the desk, as security guards the entrance to the devilish delights that awaits us. “MX” I state. The music can be heard mutely from outside the doors. “Okay, okay…” Sings Ebony, dancing to the music. “You’re our VIP guest and you have access to our third-floor amenities.” I’m given an electronic key. “VIP access? Girl let me find out.” Says Ebony rolling her hips.

The last time that I was here, I never made it to the second floor. “Clear.” Says the desk girl to the guards. The doors are promptly opened and shaking my head, I follow Ebony into the jaws of damnation.

Prayer and Praise my ass! PNP stands for Party and Play. Party for drug use and play for sex. I don’t even want to begin to understand what a preacher would be doing in a place like this. Ebony left me post-haste to climb atop a dark chocolate” Louisville Slugger”, that was attached to a masked face and an exotic dancer body. The veins and girth on that piece of meat, had my eyes bulging from their sockets.

Read more on my serialized site www.NoireNovels.com



Madame Noire

Author of Erotica, New Adult, Urban, Historical, & the Supernatural! www.NoireNovels.com